The Evolution
1 - That's Right - I was expecting Missy to come in at any time and say, "I've got a cute face, chubby waist, thick legs, in shape, rump shaking both ways, make you do a double take..." This track is crazy danceable. Lyrically, blah. Instrumentally, on point! Vocally, nothing special. Rating: 3.5/5
2 - Like A Boy - Instrumentally, it sounds like an update of Monica's "Street Symphony". It's a head bopper most definitely; danceable, even. Lyrically, it's blah. Vocally, it's nothing spectacular. But there is something about this track that makes me adore it. Rating: 3.5/5
3 - Interlude - Not gonna rate any of the interludes--not worth the time.
4 - Promise - Addictive, addictive, addictive, and a guilty pleasure. It's so catchy in every single way--even lyrically, even though they are beyond cheesy. It reminds me of a Destiny's Child track, though which is probably why I like it so much. Rating: 3.75/5
5 - I Proceed - At this point, every track is danceable, but all sound the exact same with that thumping bass line and those oh-so-Timbaland beats. Nothing special. Rating: 2/5
6 - Can't Leave 'Em (featuring 50 Cent) - This samples some early 90s tune I can't put my finger on. This track bores me. Ciara has no depth as a vocalist, let alone trying to interpret a vocal. Anyone could have recorded this song, and it probably would have been better if someone else did. Rating: 2/5
7 - C.R.U.S.H. - Danceable, of course. A rehash of "1, 2 Step" instrumentally. I'm not even gonna try to review the vocals--she attempts the Aaliyah sweet but potent vocals, but falls terribly flat. Aaliyah actually could sing. And what does CRUSH stand for, you ask? Compliments Rumors they make up U put a smile on my face Sexiness and Have you (gotta have you). Nevertheless, very danceable. Rating: 3/5
8 - My Love - I'm sorry, half way through this track I zoned out and my mind went 12 different places. In other words, this was not the most interesting of tracks. It bored me. It has a nice, mid-tempo groove but her voice is slightly annoying. You can turn on the radio to any urban station and hear 20 songs from both men and women just like this one. Rating: 2.75/5
9 - Interlude - Not gonna rate any of the interludes--not worth the time.
10 - Make It Last Forever - This is probably the most obvious and blatant uncreative use of a sample that I've ever encountered--ever! "It takes two to make a thing go right; it takes two to make it out of sight"--it begins sampling this track and it loops in the background incessantly. There is no salvaging this travesty of a track, even though it's danceable; however, the blantant sample trumphs the danceability. And let's not forget the, "...I'm internationally known and I'm known to rock the microphone" she does. Darkchild--get it together, loser. Rating: 1.5/5
11 - Bang It Up - Sounds like this belongs in a dance movie and rightfully so! I don't know how this track wouldn't get anyone to the dance floor. It doesn't need a remix. (As I'm typing this, it's so danceable that I'm grooving in my office chair). Lyrically and vocally it's a dud. Good dance track! Rating: 3.5/5
12 - Get Up (featuring Chamillionaire) - I never could get into this song when it was huge and on the radio. Still can't; however, it's danceable and tolerable. There's nothing spectacular about the track except for the instrumental, and then again, that's not spectacular--good, but not spectacular. Rating: 3/5
13 - Interlude - Not gonna rate any of the interludes--not worth the time.
14 - Get In, Fit In - This is the second coming of 1, 2 Step instrumentally and even in the syncopated way she sings the verses. She's not an amazing vocalist by anyone's standards and the chorus is--well, "Da da da da da, da da da da da." Reminds me of that old Crystal Waters song that has a chorus, "Yabba dabba dee, yabba dabba doo..." The chorus is annoying as heck, but the track is too danceable to sit still. Rating: 2.75/5
15 - Interlude - Not gonna rate any of the interludes--not worth the time.
16 - So Hard - Could tell from the instrumental that this was gonna be a dud and I was right. The best way to describe this track is like this: imagine that you're cleaning up on a Saturday afternoon and you have a CD in but you're not really listening to it because all of the good songs have passed, but you continue listening to the CD because you need to finish cleaning up. This is that track that you are half-listening to and simply tolerating. Rating: 2/5
17 - I'm Just Me - She's trying to rely on her vocals here, but comes off flat in more ways than one. This track would have worked for Aaliyah, but it dies a slow, painful, agonizing death for Ciara. She really can't sing, but she tries to make good music. Rating: 2/5
18 - I Found Myself - What is the fad with her talking at the beginning of every track? This track was a mistake in every way. First, the lyrics are a rehash of Destiny's Child's "Sweet Sixteen." So is the instrumental for that matter. Finally, she tries to rely on her vocals to uphold the track and she comes off whiny and contrived a la Britney Spears "Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman." Rating: 1.75/5
Overall Album Review:
Nothing special and I don't plan on buying it. However, if you love to dance, this album is the album for you! It will have you on your feet for the majority of it. She has some strong tracks, but lyrically and vocally she falls just short of anything. It's probably a stronger effort than Janet's "20 Y.O." but that doesn't say much. I left this album asking, "Where's all the good music gone?!" What evolution Ciara?
Overall Album Rating: 2.75/5
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